

Offer a thematic program:

- Overview the history of Music. -
airtime: about 70 min.
/Music from the XII. century to XXI century./

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- Mediterranean night -
airtime: about 70 min.
/Spanish, Greek, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Jewish melodies, as well as their own musical compositions./

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- Babits night -
airtime: about 80 min.
/Poems of Mihály Babits - coupled with his own musical compositions./

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- F.G. Lorca nigt -
airtime: about 60 min.
/Poems of Federico Garcia Lorca - coupled with his spanish, flamenco and own musical compositions./

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- Spanish nigt -
airtime: about 2 x 60 min.
András Homonnai Varga (Kolozsvár) flamenco guitar artist and
Szekszárd Gitár Quertet's F.G. Lorca performance.
/Poems of Federico Garcia Lorca - coupled with his spanish, flamenco and own musical compositions./

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